I thought it would be appropriate for me to list those who have influenced me and for whom I am very grateful...
- my husband. He is so kind, and loving. He provides for me and sets a wonderful example to me every day. I love his smile, the sparkle of life in his eyes, and his warm presence (especially in these colder days...). We talk about everything, worry about things together, and laugh about a lot every day. He kisses me good night and lets me warm my feet by him... When I have a low day, or am just not smiling, He will do anything and everything within his power to make me smile and laugh... My wonderful husband has a different face for me everyday that usually makes me laugh and he is full of random and off-the-wall voices that entertain. He is not afraid of what others think, just me, and he loves me with all he's got! I love him dearly and thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending him into my life. Thanks sweetheart! :) I love you!
- Ica is definitely on my list of thankfuls... she is so kind to all around her and patient to boot! She will listen to me and take me places that I need to go... I don't think God could have put a better friend on this earth and I am the lucky one who gets to have her as my bestest bud! She always brings a smile with her wherever she goes and loves to spread it to anyone she meets! I love talking with her and I know that whatever I share with her is safe and secure... we can talk about anything... for hours... and we have even gotten to the point that we talk alike (really same voice fluctuations and everything... weird...) We can talk about "that one cute shirt I saw in the book store the other day" and know which one we are talking about... She really is my other half and I don't know what I would do without her! She keeps me sane... and helps me remember just how blessed I am. :) Luv you!
- My family. I can call (or text) any of them at any time and usually get a response. We love to do things together and have a fun time of it when we do. But more specifically...
- My mom. We have had some great times together and I cherish all the memories made with her. All of our crazy shopping trips after Christmas (there was that one time with those old ladies... you know what I'm talking about mom!), baking cookies together, trips to the zoo or the children's museum, those long nights you stayed up with me sick or heartbroken and you stayed with me until I had cried myself to sleep, more recently the Macey's cooking classes... nativity set-up days... planning a wedding... and sharing that special day with you... Sunday dinners! (now a two way deal!) they have always been delicious and fun to spend with you mom! I am so blessed to have the wonderful mother that I do... I don't know what I would do without her, and I love her with all my heart.
- my dad. how many times did dad play with me in the back yard with a ball and bat? I got to spend a good portion of my childhood in the car with my dad. Even just the other weekend I spent the car ride to Kanab and back discussing everything from life, to politics, to old testament translation... He will always listen to me and doesn't judge me in my weaknesses. I have always been his little girl and know that he will take care of me if I need him. He has saved me from countless spiders, oil leaks and squeaks from the engine of the Jeep, and from making mistakes that I could potentially avoid. I love my Daddy and feel so privileged to have had him as a father.
- Ben and I have always been good friends. We rarely fought... and when we did it didn't last very long at all. We share a lot of the same interests and can talk about almost anything (I don't follow the car lingo all that well...) I am so grateful I got to share my family experience with such a wonderful child of God. We were lucky to get such a good one! :) and I love him with all I got. Thanks for everything dude... you're "legit" ;)
- Naturally, my new life includes a whole new family! And I am so blessed to have such wonderful in-laws. They immediately loved me and support us in our new life with encouragement and prayers. We joke and laugh, play and chat and feel the love every time we visit the lovely little town of Rosieville. :)