Thursday, December 17, 2009


This semester has been an interesting one for me. I was so busy at the beginning of school that I barely had time to breath. But after the wedding I found a whole boatload of time that I didn't quite know what to do with... Have no fear, I have been productive. :)

The load I took on hasn't been too bad in the finals department this semester and I am so grateful. There really is a lot to do, class schedules to plan for next semester, dinner to make, a house to clean, and Christmas traditions! Not to mention the secret project I have undertaken... ;) *shhhh*

All in all its been a wonderful semester and I have learned so much! I now have a lifetime skill of understanding flowers and how they work... and how to arrange them. :) Think of all the dance money saved for those future children... :) I have learned so much in the Old Testament... who knew Leviticus and Deuteronomy were so enlightening! And I have enjoyed my Marriage and Family class and all that has been brought to my attention there... I wish I could say I enjoyed Geography as much as the other classes... but lets face it, I made it through and don't have to go to class again! :)

On other news, I actually secured a job as a TA for my Marriage and Family professor and am so excited to work with him! He's a really nice guy! I already went through his schedule for next year to make sure all was correct and sensible... *girly squeal* I am happy. :)

Ben's surgery went well and all came out fine. Ben is happy that he will get to play in battle of the bands in January and mom is happy that the surgery is over. We began with a few nerves about the new doctor, but he proved that med school did teach him something. ;) Plus, Ben has this really festive cast... ;)

Sorry no pictures just now, we're in the process of transferring data to a different computer... but I send my love and best holiday wishes to y'all! xoxox Merry Christmas!!!


  1. Well so much for proofreading and my spelling. Have a great week.

  2. Wow it's going to be great to be related to a TA. Congratulations! We look forward to having you for Christmas Eve! You dip was great. I too would like to be a chip.

  3. Glad Ben is doing Ok. He's in our prayers!

    Congratulations on being done with finals! :-)
